Monday, December 16, 2013

They Did It!

Please join me in congratulating the newest Signing Smart grads! Mr. A., Miss C., Miss L., Miss V., and Mr. L. have all officially completed their Signing Smart Beginner Play Class.

This group has come a long way in just a few weeks. A group who started only tentatively sitting and barely mobile is now standing and motoring around the room with ease. The elusive first sign is no longer just a goal, and the babies are understanding even more signs than they're signing. And, perhaps most importantly, the moms and dads of these kiddos have learned the 4 Keys to Signing Smart Success so they can keep right on signing and learning at home.

I will miss playing and singing and signing with you all each week! I wish you all the best - please share as your family reaches new milestones, even if they aren't signing related. As always, feel free to contact me with questions, too!

Wishing ALL my graduates a warm, safe, and healthy end to 2013 and a fabulous new year!

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