Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Month 6

Continuing with some milestones that are related to talking and signing....these are just a few of the highlights - there are lots of things going on in that little body right now. Little ones will develop at different rates.  If I mention he is "supposed" to be vocalizing pleasure and displeasure by 5 months and your little one isn't quite there yet, please don't panic.  If you're greatly concerned that your child is behind, please speak with your child's healthcare provider.

Also, keep in mind that, regardless when it happens, milestones will be reached in order.  Your baby won't start speaking in full sentences before she says single words.

Ok - here we go!

For babies around six months old, here is some of what you can expect:


  • Points or reaches for toys
  • Sits briefly alone
  • Rolls over
  • Uses whole hand to pick up objects

Language and Communication

  • Strings together varied sounds
  • Experiments with pitch and volume of new sounds
  • Responds to sounds by making his own sounds

Social Development

  • Knows and recognizes familiar faces
  • Likes to play with others, preferably Mom and Dad
  • Enjoys looking at herself in a mirror

Cognitive Development
  • Shows curiosity about things
Some activities you can do now:

  • This is a great time to start Signing Smart with your baby.  If you start now, you can expect to see him signing back in about 10-12 weeks!
  • Play fun finger games like Itsy Bitsy Spider
  • Sing silly songs you can repeat - and be ready to repeat them over and over and over!

What is your favorite song to sing with your little one right now?

Here are the websites that helped me compile this information.  Check them out to find even 
more details about what to expect during the first month of your baby's life:

http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-6mo.htmlhttp://www.webmd.com/parenting/healthtool-infant-milestones http://www.whattoexpect.com/first-year/month-by-month/your-child-month-6.aspx

Sunday, October 20, 2013

What to Expect....Month 5

Continuing with some milestones that are related to talking and signing....these are just a few of the highlights - there are lots of things going on in that little body right now. Little ones will develop at different rates.  If I mention he is "supposed" to be vocalizing pleasure and displeasure by 5 months and your little one isn't quite there yet, please don't panic.  If you're greatly concerned that your child is behind, please speak with your child's healthcare provider.

Also, keep in mind that, regardless when it happens, milestones will be reached in order.  Your baby won't start speaking in full sentences before she says single words.

Ok - here we go!

For babies around five months old, here is some of what you can expect:


  • Watches mouth movements
  • Interested in colors
  • Gazes at specific objects


  • Soothed by music


  • Can sit, propped with pillows
  • May be able to stand while holding on for balance
  • Has good aim while reaching with one hand
  • Transfers toys from hand to hand or mouth

Language and Communication

  • Babbles/practices making a variety of sounds including "raspberries" and making "bubbles"
  • Mimics sounds and gestures
  • Vocalizes different sounds for different needs
  • Makes two-syllable sounds
  • Baby is likely to start lauging this month

Social Development

  • Resists toys being taken away

Cognitive Development
  • Is alert for half of his wakeful time
  • Can discriminate herself from others when looking in a mirror
Some activities you can do now:

  • Your baby will likely put everything in her mouth, especially as teething kicks into high gear.  Experiment with a variety of toys appropriate for chewing until you find something that seems to work will for your little one.
  • Continue to allow for "tummy time."  This will help to continue to develop the muscles needed for crawling.
  • Continue to read to your baby throughout the day.
  • Involve your baby in conversation. Ask him questions, and pause for an answer.
  • Keep plenty of toys on hand that are the right size and shape for your little one to grasp on his own.
  • Now that your baby can laugh, go all out getting her to laugh!

What is a sure fire way you have found to make your baby laugh?

Here are the websites that helped me compile this information.  Check them out to find even 
more details about what to expect during the first month of your baby's life:

Monday, October 14, 2013

What to Expect....Month 4

Continuing with some milestones that are related to talking and signing....these are just a few of the highlights - there are lots of things going on in that little body right now. Little ones will develop at different rates.  If I mention he is "supposed" to be vocalizing pleasure and displeasure by 5 months and your little one isn't quite there yet, please don't panic.  If you're greatly concerned that your child is behind, please speak with your child's healthcare provider.

Also, keep in mind that, regardless when it happens, milestones will be reached in order.  Your baby won't start speaking in full sentences before she says single words.

Ok - here we go!

For babies around four months old, here is some of what you can expect:


  • Close vision is well established
  • Depth perception is improving
  • Accurately tracks moving objects
  • Can look intently at an object


  • Recognizes voices
  • Looks for sources of sounds he hears


  • Can sit straight or nearly straight when propped up
  • Can hold onto an object placed in his or her hand (can't pick up an object off the floor yet)
  • Grasps objects with two hands
  • Places objects in mouth

Language and Communication

  • Shapes mouth to produce different sounds
  • Uses motion to gain attention (waves arms, etc.)
  • Becoming aware that labels exist for objects (Mommy, Daddy, cat, dog, etc.)
  • Begins to babble

Social Development

  • Laughs when tickled
  • Makes eye contact
  • Smiles at people spontaniously

Cognitive Development

  • Beginning to show memory

Some activities you can do now:

  • Place the baby in front of a mirror
  • Provide bright-colored toys to hold
  • Repeat sounds the infant makes, and encourage her to mimic sounds she hears
  • Help the infant roll over
  • Use an infant swing at the park if the baby has head control
  • Play on the stomach (tummy time)
  • Continue talking to your baby as you would anyone else, but also provide a break with quit time (no music, TV, etc.)

What fun new discoveries has your little boy or girl made this month?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What to Expect....Month 3

Continuing with some milestones that are related to talking and signing....these are just a few of the highlights - there are lots of things going on in that little body right now. Little ones will develop at different rates.  If I mention he is "supposed" to be vocalizing pleasure and displeasure by 5 months and your little one isn't quite there yet, please don't panic.  If you're greatly concerned that your child is behind, please speak with your child's healthcare provider.

Also, keep in mind that, regardless when it happens, milestones will be reached in order.  Your baby won't start speaking in full sentences before she says single words.

Ok - here we go!

For babies around three months old, here is some of what you can expect:


  • Prefers brightly colored toys
  • Sharp contrasts are easiest to see


  • Turns head and may smile at parents voices
  • Love listening to a variety of music


  • Neck strength is improving
  • Hands open and shut
  • Hands can come together
  • Baby will swipe at toys
  • May hold a toy briefly

Language and Communication

  • Smiles for interaction and to show pleasure
  • Crying is no longer the primary means of communication
  • Cooing 
  • Babling in vowel sounds ("ooo" "aaaah" etc.)

Social Development

  • Baby is facinated with faces

Some activities you can do now:

  • Respond to your baby's coos as if they are spoken words
  • Have conversations with your baby (maybe narrate what you do throughout the day)
  • Read to your baby

What new activities is your little one enjoying this month?

Here are the websties that helped me compile this information.  Check them out to find even more details about what to expect during the first month of your baby's life:

Monday, October 7, 2013

What to Expect...Month 2

Continuing with some milestones that are related to talking and signing....these are just a few of the highlights - there are lots of things going on in that little body right now. Little ones will develop at different rates.  If I mention he is "supposed" to be vocalizing pleasure and displeasure by 5 months and your little one isn't quite there yet, please don't panic.  If you're greatly concerned that your child is behind, please speak with your child's healthcare provider.

 Also, keep in mind that, regardless when it happens, milestones will be reached in order.  Your baby won't start speaking in full sentences before she says single words.

Ok - here we go!

For babies around two months old, here is some of what you can expect:


  • Beginning to look at close objects
  • Pays attention to faces
  • Begins to follow things with eyes and recognize people at a distance


  • Head turns from side to side with sound at the level of the ear
  • Responds to familiar voices


  • May bat at a colorful object hanging in front of her
  • May briefly hold a toy that you place in one of her hands
  • When on stomach, able to lift head almost 45 degrees
  • Makes smoother movements with arms and legs

Language and Communication

  • Coos
  • Cries mean different things

Social Development

  • Smiles
  • Responds to familiar voices
  • Can briefly calm himself (may bring hands to mouth and suck on hand)

Some activities you can do now:

  • Expose your baby to sounds outside those of the home
  • Take your baby for rides in the car or walks in the neighborhood
  • The room should be bright with pictures and mirrors
  • Toys and objects should be bright colors
  • Read to your baby
  • Talk to your baby about objects and people in his or her environment

What new activities have you found this month?

Here are the websties that helped me compile this information.  Check them out to find even more details about what to expect during the first month of your baby's life:

Roll Out the Red Carpet

Please join me in welcoming the newest Signing Smart students and their families.

Miss C., Miss V., and Miss L. are off and running with their play class fun.  Welcome ladies, we can't wait to see what you've been wanting to tell us!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What to Expect...Month 1

Over the next several posts, I'd like to address some of the milestones that are related to talking and signing. These are just a few of the highlights - there are lots of things going on in that little body right now. Little ones will develop at different rates.  If I mention he is "supposed" to be vocalizing pleasure and displeasure by 5 months and your little one isn't quite there yet, please don't panic.  If you're greatly concerned that your child is behind, please speak with your child's healthcare provider.

 Also, keep in mind that, regardless when it happens, milestones will be reached in order.  Your baby won't start speaking in full sentences before she says single words.

Ok - here we go!

For babies around one month old, here is some of what you can expect:


  • Focuses 8 to 12 inches (20.3 to 30.4 cm) away 
  • Vision is blurry
  • Prefers black-and-white or high-contrast patterns
  • Prefers the human face to all other patterns 


  • Hearing is fully mature - go all in talking, singing, and cooing at baby.  
  • Recognizes some sounds
  • May turn toward familiar sounds and voices

Gross Motor

  • Keeps hands in tight fists - don't expect baby to sign back just yet

Language and Communication

  • Demanding cries
  • Grunting/throaty sounds

Social Development

  • Watches faces intently

Some activities you can do now to boost your baby's language development:

  • Sing - your favorite lullaby or the song on the radio, it doesn't matter
  • Read  - again, it doesn't matter what you're reading, just that you're doing it
  • Talk to your baby like you would anyone else.  -  Maybe describe what you're doing, seeing, feeling, etc. Ask questions. 
  • If you start signing at this age, make sure you sign close enough to baby to be seen clearly. 
  •  If you're too engrossed with learning who your new baby is to start signing, don't worry - you've still got plenty of time to do great things!
  • Look at baby when you're talking or singing to him/her

What activities are favorites for you and your newborn?

Here are the websties that helped me compile this information.  Check them out to find even more details about what to expect during the first month of your baby's life: