Friday, January 17, 2014


Recently, a mom shared with me that her daughter had started using two very discernible signs "SNOW" and "ALL-DONE." First of all, congrats to Miss V. on your growing vocabulary! Secondly, whether or not you live in Northeast Ohio, you've probably been hit with some nasty winter weather this year. That's one smart lady - announcing what the rest of us were probably thinking in the middle of a deep freeze.

Joking aside, it's been a cold, wet, snowy winter this year. We've had weeks upon weeks where outside play time has not been an option. I find myself dreaming of a tropical beaches and fancy drinks served in a pineapple with a little umbrella. At not quite 1 and 3, my boys don't yet know about beaches and fancy drinks, but they know it's a major bummer not to be able to run around and play outside. What's more, the bigger boy's body really seems to NEED the gross motor activity outdoor play allows. After a few days of snow and cold, I noticed myself fussing more and more. "Don't run in the house." "I like your singing, but please don't scream." "Don't roar at the cats, that scares them. If you want to play with the cats, you need to be quiet and gentle." And then, we hit a warm spell, and Mr. I. got some outside play time during preschool. It was like magic. He was more polite and more cooperative than he'd been in weeks. No more repeated requests to wash hands for dinner. No more arguing about what needed to happen. No more frustrated little boy with aggravated parents.

All that to say. Congrats Miss V. I whole-hearted agree. SNOW ALL-DONE!

What are your favorite inside activities to keep those large muscle groups moving when outside play isn't an option?

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